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Question: What is the Wood Iron Modified Urethane Acrylic Finish and what can I use it on?
Answer: Unlike the exterior finishes, interior environments do not fluctuate with temperature. Nor are they exposed to the punishment an exterior finish is subjected to. The requirements that an interior finish must meet are:
- Non-yellowing, crystal clear look, indefinitely.
- A finish that does not check or crack.
- Superior adhesion and hardness to withstand years of use.
- An environmentally responsible material that doesn’t gas the user.
- Soap and water clean up.
- Touch up with minimal trouble.
- Easy application with minimum effort.
Wood Iron Modified Urethane Acrylic Finish was developed to please the requirements of a painting contractor with two decades of experience. The painting trade has, until recently, turned their noses up when the words interior water-based finish are mentioned. This is due to the face that laquers, which are extremely toxic, have given the typical painter or finisher a smooth, easy to apply, finish. The trade offs are, in our estimation, not worth the price. Trade offs such as extreme flammabilty, high toxicity, yellowing, softness, to name a few.
Wood Iron is an interior finish that applies and performs better than lacquer without all the drawbacks. The first coat is a sealer coat of either Satin or Semi-Gloss Top Coat. This can be applied over raw or stained wood. It soaks into the outer layers of the wood fiber and solidifies. After one hour the surface is sanded smooth and ready for a finish coat. Wood Iron Interior Top Coat in either Satin or Semi-Gloss is then applied as the finish coat. The method of application is usually by spraying for contractors or knowledgeable laypersons. Brushing can be done after thinning approximately 10-15% with water. We highly recommend using the interior finish system on new log homes, interior trim, interior doors, windows, and wood ceilings. You will only finish the inside wood work once. Do it right the first and onlytime!